Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is the governing body of the Walnut Creek Open Space Foundation. It consists of no more than twenty one members, chosen from the general membership, to serve for two-year terms. No director may serve more than three consecutive terms, but may be renominated after a period of at least one year following their last date of service on the Board. The directors are the only voting members of the organization.As a group, the directors are outdoor enthusiasts concerned about the dwindling availability of open space and natural diversity in central Contra Costa County. Their backgrounds are eclectic, including science, teaching, engineering, law and corporate management. Their recreational activities range from hiking and bicycling to restoring oaks and other native vegetation, as well as wildlife habitat, in Walnut Creek's open space areas. All the directors are dedicated to the protection and enhancement of the city's priceless open spaces.
Join our Board!
The Foundation’s all-volunteer Board of Directors is always seeking new members.The Foundation Board meets monthly to discuss and make decisions about restoration projects including our Oak Habitat Restoration Project and uses of other native plants, the state of our open spaces, educational and outreach programs, and more.
If you’re involved in the Open Space in any capacity -- hiker, cyclist, equestrian, dog owner, botany or biology student -- and are interested in joining the board, please send an email to us at:
Board of Directors 2023-2024

2023-2024 Board Members: (from left to right, front to back) Lesley Hunt, Elizabeth Hudson, Linda Judd (Advisory), Mark Curtis, David Ogden, Bill Hunt, Tim Ory. Not present: Gary Muerle, Phil Johnson, Sean Micallief, Karl Snover, and Kime Smith. Photographer: Kime Smith
Kime Smith - President
Bill Hunt - Vice President
Lesley Hunt - Secretary
Elizabeth Hudson - Treasurer
Mark Curtis
Phil Johnson
Sean Micalief
Gary Muerle
David Ogden
Karl Snover
Advisory Board
Veteran volunteers with specialized skills and former Directors are appointed to the Advisory Board, if they so wish, to serve for two-year terms. In this manner, the expertise of those with specialized skills and former Board members can be called upon when needed, but they have no vote on affairs of the Foundation.Earl Bates
Michael Brooding
Jerry Christopherson
Dick Daniel
Christina Hagelin
Brad Heckman
Barney Howard
Linda Judd
Tom Lee
Connie Loosli
Carla Ludwig
Stuart Mangini
Bob Moran
Pat Moran
Katrina Nagle
Tim Ory
Kent Screechfield
Kurt Scholtens
Michele Sheehan
Bob Simmons