Enjoying the Open Spaces of Walnut Creek
Walnut Creek is home to over 2700 acres of beautiful Open Space property divided in four separate areas: Lime Ridge, Shell Ridge, Acalanes Ridge, and Sugarloaf. These areas are full of hiking trails, wildlife, plants, and spectacular views. Foundation volunteers work to preserve, restore, and enhance these Spaces, but we also love to help educate our community so that they can enjoy this resource as much as we do. For more information on the history of the Open Spaces visit the City's Open Space homepage
Many of our trails are accessed through residential streets. On your way to and from Walnut Creek's Open Space, remember to be a good neighbor: Obey all traffic laws — stop at all stop signs, drive slowly and yield to pedestrians. Be mindful where you park — do not block driveways or crosswalks, and remember it's illegal to park in an intersection.
Open Space Resources
Open Space MapsRecommended Hikes
Directions to Entrances
Guides on Plants, Animals, and Other Interesting Information
2018 Community Trail Survey Results
2008 Open Space Vision Report Appendix
Foundation Upcoming Events
City Upcoming Events
If you have any questions about the Open Spaces or Open Space activities please Contact us or Contact the Walnut Creek's Open Space Department

Briones to Mt. Diablo Regional Trail through Shell Ridge near Willow Spring Pond