Donate to the Walnut Creek Open Space Foundation
The Foundation is a purely volunteer organization with no paid staff and very low expenses, however we are not funded by the City. This means all of our money comes from membership dues, donations, and the occasional grant. One of the best ways to show your support for our activities and help restore and protect our Open Space is to donate to the Foundation. Donations are tax deductible. All proceeds are used to purchase supplies for our restoration projects, in land acquisition transactions, or for other projects the Foundation undertakes.For more information please contact us
Payment By Credit Card
Please click on the link below to be transfered to PayPal to make your credit card donation.Payment By Check
Make your check payable to: The Walnut Creek Open Space FoundationMail your check to (no need to print out and send in a membership form):
Walnut Creek Open Space Foundation
PO Box 309
Walnut Creek, CA 94597-0309