Grant Projects of Particular Interest to the Walnut Creek Open Space Foundation
The Walnut Creek Open Space Foundation (WCOSF) provides grants to research projects that lead to a better understanding of the Walnut Creek Open Space habitat, ecology, and management. These projects can be of your own choosing, but projects involving areas of particular interest to the Open Space Foundation stand a higher chance of receiving grants.Suggested Project Areas:
Study of restoration opportunities in the open space
Study of the stock ponds and other ponds and springs in the open space--how should they be managed
Is there a need for additional water sources and/or longer duration ponding for native wildlife in the open space
Correlation between water depth and plant diversity and cover with the open space water sources
Study on amphibian ecology in the open space--tree frog and toad survival rates; red-legged frog and tiger salamander use and survival; aestivation habitat in the open space.
Insect use and ecology in open space, interaction with native plants, increasing use of each
History of land use with a look to future uses, management, maintenance
Study on the distribution of native plants in the open space and their correlation with environmental factors such as soil, slope, and aspect
Effects of vegetation removal on native plants
Setting up a workable GIS system for one the Walnut Creek Open Space
Research work and/or planning for proposed WCOSF projects. What are the opportunities and constraints, what are the implications for the project.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of various methods of weed removal and control
Well-designed experiments on the effectiveness of various planting, weeding, and seeding techniques
Survey regarding use of the Walnut Creek Open Space; who uses it, what types of uses, and why
Changing peoples attitude regarding the use of the Walnut Creek Open Space—how to stop negative uses and practices