Become a Member or Renew your Membership with The Walnut Creek Open Space Foundation
Joining The Foundation is not only a great way to show your support for our wonderful Open Space, it is also the easiest way to keep up to date on our restoration activities and events. Members receive a newsletter three times a year as well as invitations to special events. Being a member also allows you to join the governing board if you wish to be more involved in our work.The Foundation is a purely volunteer organization with no paid staff and very low expenses. All of our money comes from membership dues, donations, and the occasional grant. One of the best ways to show your support for our activities and help restore and protect our Open Space is to join the Foundation. Memberships are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law. There are a variety of membership levels depending on your desired commitment and joining is easy!
Membership Tiers and Fees
Patron - $500
Benefactor - $250
Sustaining - $100
Family - $40
Individual - $25
You can also contribute any additional amount desired or you can donate directly to The Foundation
without becoming a member.
Join/Renew online
If you would like to pay by credit card or save some paper, you can fill out our online membership form. Credit card payments are accepted through PayPal or you can mail a check following the instructions below (note: you do not need to print out and mail in the membership form if you filled it out online).Join/Renew by mail
Download Our Membership Form [PDF]Make your check payable to: The Walnut Creek Open Space Foundation
Mail your membership form to:
Walnut Creek Open Space Foundation
PO Box 309
Walnut Creek, CA 94597-0309
Join our Board!
The Foundation’s all-volunteer Board of Directors is always seeking new members.The Foundation Board meets monthly to discuss and make decisions about restoration projects including our Oak Habitat Restoration Project and uses of other native plants, the state of our open spaces, educational and outreach programs, and more.
If you’re involved in the Open Space in any capacity -- hiker, cyclist, equestrian, dog owner, botany or biology student -- and are interested in joining the board, please send an email to us at:

Deer Lake