Open Space Background
We are always looking for interested volunteers. NO SPECIAL SKILLS OR EXPERIENCE NEEDED. Restoration volunteer activities include propagating, weeding, watering, planting, and other habitat maintenance. Or if that is not your style, we also welcome people with community engagement, educational outreach, and volunteer coordination interests. You can join one of our regular groups or volunteer on an as available basis.

For dates and schedules check out our calendar or upcoming events pages.You can also let us know your coming or ask for more information by contacting our Volunteer Coordinator at

Restoration Volunteer Opportunities

There are a variety of ways to volunteer for the Foundation. We have some regular groups that meet frequently throughout the year or during a particular season, but we also have a few locations that we only visit a couple of times per year. Volunteers are encouraged to come out when they are available and joining a group does not commit you to join in every session. The table below summarizes the main projects for which we are always looking for volunteers:

volunteer matric part 1

volunteer matric part 2

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Other Volunteer Opportunities

For those who are looking for other ways to volunteer, the Outreach Committee is always looking for help writting newsletter articles, at community events, with education programs, and with just general outreach ideas. If you are interested or want to know more, contact Michele at

Volunteer Groups and Locations

bayberry pond

Tuesday Group

The Tuesday Group meets every Tuesday morning from 9am to noon at various locations within our Open Spaces, at our native plant nursery, or their restoration site at Bayberry Pond. The location is dependent on season, weather, and what activities are most needed at the time. Expect to hike from the meeting location on occasion and remember there are no bathroom facilities in the open space. The Foundation will provide all the necessary tools, but please bring your own gloves and wear appropriate footwear and clothes for the weather and activity. Don't forget a hat, sunscreen, and water!

To find out where this group will be or to join, please contact the group leader, Lesley Hunt, at


Monthly Nursery Group

This group meets on the second Monday of the month from 9am to noon at our native plant nursery behind the Shadelands Art Center. Activities include planting seeds, transplanting new seedlings, potting up larger ones, and doing various nursery maintenance tasks. The Foundation will provide all the necessary tools, but please bring your own gloves. Bathrooms are available, but don't forget a hat, sunscreen, and water!

If you would like more information or to join this group, please contact the project leader, Lesley Hunt, at, or meet us here on the second Monday of the month!

sutherland entrance

Fossil Hill Native Plant Restoration (Dedicated Group)

This project is mostly run by our Saturday Morning Volunteer Group, which meets every Saturday throughout the year. This group is open to new members, but requires a commitment of time and effort. No one-time or casual volunteers. Volunteers for this group will be doing weeding and preparation for next year’s planting sites, and watching our new plants grow and flower. The Foundation will provide all the neccessary tools, but please bring your own gloves and wear appropriate footwear and clothes for the weather and activity. Don't forget a hat, sunscreen, and water! Also please note there are no bathroom facilities in the Open Spaces.

If you would like more information or to join this group, please contact the project leader, Phil Johnson, at, or meet us here on a Saturday morning. To see the list of this year's scheduled weekends visit our calendar or upcoming events pages.

indian valley pond

Indian Valley Pond Restoration

This project usually has events monthly on Saturdays or Sundays throughout the year. Typically, volunteers meet the project leader at the Marshall Drive Entrance to Shell Ridge and walk to the pond together. Activities with this group include weeding, planting, watering, preparation of new planting sites, and watching our new plants grow and flower. The Foundation will provide all the neccessary tools, but please bring your own gloves and wear appropriate footwear and clothes for the weather and activity. Don't forget a hat, sunscreen, and water! Also please note there are no bathroom facilities in the Open Spaces

If you would like more information or to join this group, please contact the project leader, Sean Micallef, at, or meet us here on a Saturday morning. To see the list of this year's scheduled weekends visit our calendar or upcoming events pages.

deer lake

Deer Lake

This project usually has events 3-4 times each year on either a Saturday or a Sunday. Typically, volunteers meet the project leader at the end of the Marshall Drive Entrance to Shell Ridge and walk 0.6 miles to Deer Lake together. Activities with this group include preparation of new planting sites, maintenance of existing planting sites, planting of native seeds and plants, and removing invasive, non-native plants. The Foundation will provide all the necessary tools, but please bring your own gloves and wear appropriate footwear and clothes for the weather and activity. Don't forget a hat, sunscreen, and water! Also please note there are no bathroom facilities nearby.

If you would like more information or to join this group, please contact the project leader Bob Simmons at, or check the website regularly for special events at this location.

Volunteer Information

For all of our projects the Foundation will provide all the neccessary tools. However, we ask that you bring/remember:


spacerAppropriate footwear

spacerClothing that can get dirty and is protective from the elements




It is also important to note that there are no bathroom facilities in the Open Spaces.

Please email our Volunteer Coordinator at, if you have any questions or to join any of our regular groups or find out about special volunteering events.