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Borges Ranch Flowering Plants

April 8, 2004

This year was cold and wet so the wildflowers are springing up two to three weeks later than normal. Our walk took us up the steep hill (south) at Old Borges Ranch, left through the gate and into East Bay Regional Park District land by going through the second gate. Here the road forks and goes left down to the bottom of the hill. Option 1 is to stop and turn around and come back at the picnic table. A second option is to continue up this road to the left, turn right at the first road switchback and continue up the steep hill until you see the foot trail off to the right and take that to the summit road. Here you can retrace yur steps or follow the road back to Borges Ranch.

Common Name Color Scientific Name Peterson Refs. Where Seen
Milk Thistle ----- Silybum marianum 330 Road sides
Blue dicks Blue Dichelostemma pulchellum 352 All over
Blue-eyed grass Blue Sisyrinchium bellum 350 All over
Lupine, Elegant Blue Lupinus lepidus 376 Road sides
Wally Basket Blue Tritleia laxa 352 Road sides
Sagebrush No blossoms Artemisia californica K 87 Canyon
Bush Monkey Flower Orange Dilacus aurantiacus K 90 Canyon
California poppies Orange Eschscholzia californica 224 All over
Owls Clover Pink Orthocarpus purpurascens 240 Hill tops
Vetch, Winter Pink Vicia villosa 326 All over
Arroyo Lupine Purple Lupinus succulentus 376 Ridge top
California Delphinium Purple Delphinium californicum 354 Ridge top
Chinese Houses Purple Collinsia heterophylla 234 Road sides
Filaree—storksbill Purple Erodium moschatum 286 All over
Geranium Purple Geranium dissectum 284 All over
Purple Sanicle Purple Sanicula bipinnatifida 170 Ridge top
Tom Cat Clover Pink Trifolium tridentatum 320 Road sides
Slender Clarkia Purple Clarkia gracilis 270 Road sides
Red Maids Red Calandrinia ciliata 294 Road
Bedstraw White Galium aparine 294 Canyon
Black Sage White Salvia californica K 100 Canyon
Catchfly, Campion White Silene 58 High Road
Chamise White Adenostoma fasciculatum K106 Top of Hill
Chickweed White Cerastium arvense 54 Canyon
Lace Pod White Thysanocarpus curvipes 26 Canyon
Manroot--Cucumber White Marah organus 98 Bottom of canyon
Meadow Nemophila White Nemophila pedunculata 74 Cool wet areas
Miner’s lettuce White Montia spathulata 294 Wet cool places
Peppergrass White Lepidium campestre 24 Road sides
Poison Oak White Toxicocendron diversilobum K 112 Hill, wet sides
Radish White Raphanus raphanistrum K 240 Road sides
Shepherd's Needle White Scandix pecten-veneris 66 Road sides
Shepherd's Purse White Capsella bursa-pastoris 26 Road sides
Woodland Star White Lithophragma affine 88 All over
Yarrow, Common White Achillea millefolium 108 Tops of Hills
Birdsfoot Lotus Yellow Lotus corniculatus 180 Road sides
Buttercups Yellow Ranunculus orthorhynchus 154 All over
Common Butterweed Yellow Senecio vulgaris 208 Road sides
Fiddleneck Yellow Amsinckia intermedia 226 Road sides
Hop Clover Yellow Trifolium agrarium 178 Road sides
Mule Ears, Green Yellow Wyethia glabra 184 Tops of Hills
Mustard Yellow Brassica geniculata 140 All over
Pineapple Weed Yellow Matricaria matricarioides 210 Roads

(1) Peterson's "Pacific States Wildflowers"
(2) Keater, "Plants of the East Bay Parks