Borges Ranch Flowering Plants
April 17, 2004This "trail" starts at the back right end of the gravel parking lot located at the far end and above the Boundary Oaks Golf Course parking lot. Take the road leading to the shooting range and bear right into this gravelly lot. Start at the sign, walk to the road above and turn left. Cross the road under the high-tension lines and continue at the same elevation across the road. This path eventually takes you to a level area after two or three short slippery downhill patches. Continue on this level for about 3/4 of a mile and then take the sharp steep path up to the next level. Here, there are several flowers and from there you may re-trace your path back to your car.
(1)(2)(3) | ||||
Common Name | Color | Scientific Name | Peterson Refs. | Where Seen |
Castor Bean | ----- | ----- | ----- | In parking lot |
Poison Oak | ----- | Toxicodendron diversilobum | K 112 | Just starting to bloom |
Sagebrush | ----- | Artemisia californica | K 86 | Not in bloom yet |
Sweet Fennel | ----- | Foeniculum vulgare | 170 | Not in bloom yet |
Blue dicks | Blue | Dichelostemma pulchellum | 352 | All over |
Blue Eyed Grass | Blue | Sisyrichchium bellum | 350 | A few near Canyon |
Purple Nightshade | Blue | Solanum xanthi | 382 | Road sides |
Blue Oak | Blue leaves | Quercus douglasii | K40 | Road sides |
Coulter's Thistle | Pink | Cirsium coulteri | 328 | Quarry area |
Italian Thistle | Pink | Cirsium arvense | 328 | All over |
Owls Clover | Pink | Orthocarpus purpurascens | 240 | Hill tops |
Rose Clover | Pink | Trifolium hirtum | K254 | On Roadsides |
Scarlet Pimpernel | Pink | Anagallis arvensis | 304 | Road sides |
Arroyo Lupine | Purple | Lupinus succulentus | 376 | Road sides |
Filaree—storksbill | Purple | Erodium moschatum | 286 | All over |
Lemmon's Paintbrush | Red | Castilleja lemmonii | 244 | Hundreds--Quarry area |
Scarlet Bugler | Red | Penstemon centranthifolius | 238 | Canyon |
Black Sage | White | Salvia californica | K 100 | Road sides |
Buckeye | White | Aesculus californica | K48 | First Blossoms |
Chamise | White | Adenostoma fasciculatim | K106 | Road sides |
Common Yarrow | White | Achillea millefolium | 108 | All over |
Manroot | White | Marah organus | 98 | Arroyo area |
Miner’s lettuce | White | Montia spathulata | 294 | Wet cool places |
Pyrocantha bush | White | Pyrocantha augustifolia | BK316 | Power Tower Road |
Radish | White | Raphanus raphanistrum | K240 | All over |
Sagebrush | White | Artimesia californica | K86 | Not in bloom yet |
Wavy Leaf Soap Plant | White | Chlorogalum pomeridianum | 12 | Not in bloom yet |
Bellardia | Whte/Pink | Bellardia trixago | 310 | All over |
Birdsfoot Lotus | Yellow | Lotus corniculatus | 180 | Road sides |
Elderberry | Yellow | Sambucus racemosa | K48 | Two in bloom |
Golden Fairy Lantern | Yellow | Calochortus amabilis | 122 | About 100-Arroyo area |
Great ValleyGum Plant | Yellow | Grindelia camporum | 212 | Just starting to bloom |
Hop Bush | Yellow | Ptelea crenulata | K112 | Two in bloom |
Mustard | Yellow | Brassica geniculata | 140 | All over |
Pineapple Weed | Yellow | Matricaria matricarioides | 210 | Road sides |
Red Alder | Yellow | Alnus rhombifolia | K 42 | Road sides |
Telegraph Weed | Yellow | Heterotheca grandiflora | 214 | A few in Canyon |
Yellow Star Thistle | Yellow | Centaurea solstitialis | 210 | All over |
Yellow Sweet Clover | Yellow | Melilotus indica | 178 | All over |
(1) Peterson's "Pacific States Wildflowers"--all non-lettered references.
(2) Keater, "Plants of the East Bay Parks"--all "K" references.
(3) Beidleman & Kozloff, "Plants of the San Francisco Bay Region"--the "BK" references.