Oak Varieties
There are only three kinds of oak trees in the Open Space. They are the
Blue Oak, the Valley Oak, and the Coast Live Oak. We are disregarding
the "Poison Oak," which is more of a shrub or a vine than a tree.

Coast Live Oak Leaves
©2011 Jean Pawek
Coast Live Oak has leaves all year long, thus the name "Live Oak." The
leaves are a bit more "cupped" than either of the two deciduous oaks.
You can imagine, with this cupping, that the Coast Live Oak leaves
float better in water, much as a boat would float on Coastal
waters. The other two oaks are deciduous, dropping their leaves late in
the year.
The Blue Oak leaves have a slightly bluish cast to them, the
leaves are smaller than the Valley Oaks and the bark has smaller
vertical striations
in it.
Valley oaks are the massive trees that are
iconic in the California landscape. Their leaves have deeper lobes than
blue oaks. The top ridge of Shell
Ridge has several stunted Valley
Oaks. The stunting is due to the excessive amounts of
wind pruning.
Jerry Fritzke
June 22, 2003