Sugarloaf - Shell Ridge Trail from Young's Valley Rd. to Borges Ranch
Young's Valley Road is the main entrance to Sugarloaf Open Space. Besides being an excellent place for a picnic and a walk to the top of Sugarloaf Hill, it is also the jumping-off point for the Sugarloaf to Shell Ridge Trail. This is a description of a November hike all the way to Borges Ranch in Shell Ridge. The first 1.25 miles is on mostly-paved urban trail to the Sunburst Court entrance to Shell Ridge. This section is good for rainy-day walks in the winter. The total distance to Borges Ranch is approximately 4 miles; you may wish to leave a vehicle at Borges Ranch to shuttle back to the start. When you reach the Young's Valley entrance, go to the very end of the gravel parking lot past a barn on your left. You will see the sign for the beginning of the trail. Your starting elevation is 230 ft. Walk up the bark-covered trail to the top of a hill where the paved section begins. As you reach the top of the hill look at the surrounding trees for Western Bluebirds flying from perches to feed in grasses on the side of the trail. You may also see the Northern Flicker that frequents the area perching in a treetop. Notice the many young oak trees along this section of trail.
Bridge Crossing
You next reach the intersection of Rudgear Road with Stewart Ave./Sunburst Court. This is where you will want to turn around once heavy rain has started in the late fall/ early winter. To continue to Borges Ranch, cross Rudgear Road and at the crosswalk on Sunburst Court, take the unpaved footpath to the left and continue up the ravine. You are about to re-enter the Open Space and you will begin to notice more wildlife. Partway up the hill you come to the Shell Ridge entrance gate. From here, take the daunting footpath uphill 0.4 miles to the intersection with the Franco Ranch Loop Trail.
As you go uphill, consider that there will be rewarding views at the top. Watch for Meadowlarks and Western Bluebirds which may be providing a show on the hillsides. At the top of the hill, Franco Ranch Loop trail merges from your left (at elevation 600 feet) and shortly after that you take a left turn and continue 0.5 miles along the Sugarloaf - Shell Ridge Trail to Bull Pond. You will follow rolling hills along this section of trail that provide excellent views on a clear day, such as the vista of Mt. Diablo on the right. Watch for details of the landscape such a the fungus below which was found on the base of an oak tree.
Approaching Bull Frog Pond
Bull Frog Pond
After you turn left, notice the fenced-in area on the right of the trail. This is part of the Quail Habitat Project for the Walnut Creek Open Space Foundation. The brush piles, willows, quail bush, and coyote bush here are also the winter home to many Gold-Crowned Sparrrows. Also look for Brush Rabbit and Ground Squirrels in this area. Continuing down the road to Borges Ranch, notice the abundant Coyote Bush which are in bloom in November and December.
Borges Ranch
We hope you enjoyed this walk from Sugarloaf to Shell Ridge Open Space.
Bob and Cindy Brittain
November 29, 2003