Flowering Plants on the Fossil Hill Trail
April 27, 2004This walk starts at the parking lot at the Sutherland Drive entrance to Shell Ridge Open Space. Start by turning left. It includes a short tour of the quarry in Quarry Hill to the left and then proceeds down the hill towards Indian Pond. At the fence line just before the pond, turn right onto the footpath. This path takes you to the road just above Bramhall Pond and then, staying right at each intersection, returns you to the parking lot at Sutherland Drive. For more thourough directions check out the Fossil Hill Recommended Hike.
(1) (2) | ||||
Common Name | Color | Scientific Name | Peterson Refs. | Where Seen |
Blue Oak | ----- | Quercas douglasii | B225 | Scattered |
Sagebrush | ----- | Artemisia californica | K87 | Quarry area |
Valley Oak | ----- | Quercas lobata | B225 | Scattered |
Bunch Grass | --------- | Agrostis viridus | J1230 | Back of Fossil Hill |
Blue-eyed Grass | Blue | Sisyrinchium bellum | 350 | All over |
Foothill Penstemon | Blue | Penstemon heterophyllus | 336 | Quarry area |
Wallybasket | Blue | Triteleia laxa | 352 | Above Indian Pond |
Storksbill, white stem | Magenta | Erodium moschatum | 286 | Roadsides |
California Poppy | Orange | Eschscholzia californica | 224 | All over |
Clarkia--red ribbons | Purple | Clarkia unguiculata | 272 | Roadsides |
Clarkia--winecup | Purple | Clarkia gracilis | 270 | A few now starting |
Geranium, Dove's Foot | Purple | Geranium molle | 284 | Roadsides |
Vetch, Winter | Purple | Vicia villosa | 326 | All over |
Italian Thistle | Rosy | Cirsium arvense | 328 | Roadsides |
Rose Clover | Rosy | Trifolium hirtum | J652 | Roadsides |
Curly Dock | White | Rumex crispus | 276 | Fields |
Horehound | White | Marrubium vulgare | 82 | All over |
Milkweed | White | Asclepias ascicularis | 62 | Quarry area |
Wavy-leaf soap plant | White | Chlorogalum pomeridianum | 12 | All over |
Deerweed, Bush lotus | Yellow | Lotus scoparius | 180 | Quarry area |
Fiddlenecks | Yellow | Amsinckia intermedia | 226 | Roadsides |
Mustard, Black | Yellow | Brassica nigra | 140 | Quarry area |
Pineapple Weed | Yellow | Matricariamatricarioides | 210 | Mid Road |
(1) Peterson's "Pacific States Wildflowers"
(2) Keater, "Plants of the East Bay Parks
(3) Beidleman & Kozloff, "Plants of the San Francisco Bay Region"--the "BK" references.